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Mobile App

The PhET Mobile App can be found on both the Apple and Google Play app stores and costs $0.99 USD.

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A screen capture video from an iPhone 7 using the 'Masses and Springs' simulation to gather a data point for a simple harmonic motion experiment is shown below.

The PhET mobile app was easy to navigate and I was able to find the 'Masses and Springs' simulation by searching for it using the search bar. The app also has an option to browse for simulations using filters that include categories (biology, physics, etc.) and grade levels.


Once in the app, I did struggle to have the simulation do exactly what I wanted it to do. I had a difficult time lining up the ruler with the equilibrium line and I was unable to zoom in on key features of the experiment.


I was able to gather the data I needed to perform this experiment with the app and this would be a valid way to have a class gather their own data in a traditional or online classroom.

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